Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Posting 4

Sources of information:

Friday, February 22, 2008

Posting 3

The Green Anaconda Snake
The Green Anaconda Snake, is the largest snake in the world, takes up to eleven kids to weigh about one of that snake and has dark green with black spots. This snake belongs to the Constrictor family and is not a venomous snake. To kill its prey, it wraps its body around them and waits for them to stop breathing. Its jaws are held together with stretchy ligaments and it is an aquatic snake which live in swamps, marshes and rivers. Prefering to stay in water, it hunts on land and has a nostril on top of its snout for breathing conveniently in water without coming out. The scientific name of the Green Anacondos Snake is Eunectus Murinus. One of that snake can live an average of ten years and is found in South America. Male animals are usually larger than the female, but for this snake, the female is larger is larger than the male.

The Black Rhino
The Black Rhino can catch the scent of human or anything else unfamiliar. Though it cannot see well and charge at objects like trees and rocks mistaking as treats, it has keen senses like smell and hearing.It has a Quick-to-Charge attitude due to poor vision and it percepts mainly through smell. Rhinos don't clash just with other animals or objects but sometimes fight with each other. The male usually fight over territory and female. Courting males and females sometimes fight with each other. During battles rhinos usually use the bigger of two horns on its nose as weapons. Its horn is made of substance similiar to that of human fingernails, sometimes break off, but they will eventually regenerate. Female rhinos use their horn to protect their baby from predators like lions and hyenas, and are attentive mothers.Poachers threaten the species' survival by illegally killing protected and endangered rhinos for their horn. Their horns are believed to provide powerful medicine for a variety of ailments.Its scientific name is Diceros bicomis, and there are five different species - black, white, Javan, Great Indian and Sumatran.Rhinos eat only vegetative and no meat, and lives a capacity of 45 years.

The Atlantic Puffins
The Anlantic Puffins are birds that live at sea most of their lives and they weigh 17.5 ounces and measures 10 inches long which live to be 20 years or more in wild. They fly through the water, using their wings as paddles and are able to dive 200 feet deep and can also fly as fast as a car on a highway. Their nesting sites are on steep, rocky cliffs, where birds and their eggs are safter from predator. It takes 49 days to learn how to fly after it hatches and they feed on small fishes. Though they are eaten by people in many places, and their main predator is the great black-backed gull, it is never endangered. Its scientific name is Fratercula arctica and are sometimes called "sea parrots".

Koalas are marsupials related to kangaroos and have pounches where the tiny newborns develop. The newborn koala is only the size of a jelly bean, is blind, naked, earless and is caled a joey.Its moter produces a special substance called pap, which the joey feeds on in the pouch in addition to the milk it already gets. The pap comes from the mother's intestine.Its scientific name is Phascolarctos cinereus and they have thick wolly fur that protect them from both heat and cold, they also have furry ears and leathery noses. They spend 18 hours a day napping and resting and smell like cough drops because of their diet of eucalyptus leaves. The Southern koalas weigh between 20 to 30 pounds while the Northern koalas weigh between 13 and 16 pounds. Koalas live in trees in Australia and neighbouring islands. Male live about 10 years while female live a few years longer.

Coyotes live in Los Angeles and Dallas. Their population is increasing as they can easily change their behavior to survive in a new place and they eat a wide range of food. The adult coyotes measure from 23 to 25 inches high at the shoulder and are 3.4 to 4.3 feet long. they also weigh between 20 and 50 pounds. They select a mate when they are two years old and stay with their mate for life. Its scientific name is Canis latrans and they can woof softly, growl, bark, howl and sing in a chorus.

Sources of information:

Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2

This is the autobiograhy of one of the many Rachels in the world... ... ... ...

Born on 27th September 1996 , I came into this world, to see the beautiful and wonderful world that contain millions of people. When I first came here, I only knew how to cry and shout. But day by day, I learned new stuff from my parents like how to walk, run, jump etc.

Soon it was time to go to kindergarden that also means lesser time to play. There, I made new friends and learn how to write draw and read. Before I knew it was time to go to primary school.My friends and I were separated as we were going to different schools.

On the first day of Primary 1, I was lonely, without any friends. Then before Primary 1 ended, I made another group of new friends. Which signify the end of loneliness in school. Primary 2 came and it ended as fast as it began. Many different things happened during this time. I also lost many teeths and fell down many times and grew taller.

During Primary 3 I received a model pupil badge. But it was also the year I started wearing glasses.Then primary 4 arrived. During that year I was in a different class then my friends. But then, i made new friends again and at the end of the year, i received another model pupil badge and a best conduct certificate. I was very happy!

Primary 5 was a boring year, nothing much happened.But one thing I know is that I already dropped more than 10 teeth and fell down even more times and grew much more taller.This year, is my last year in Primary school and i will be seating for my PSLE.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Posting 1

Elizabeth Choy was a passionate teacher, good mother and a loyal wife. Although her marriage was arranged,she still love her husband very much. During word war 2 (ww2), her husband was caught by the Japanese soldier.She wanted to visit her husband in prison but was not allowed to.

Then,on one fateful day,she was also caught by the Japanese soldier.In prison,she was not allowed to talk to the other prisoners.One of the prisoners taught the other prisoners sign language and this was their way of communication in prison.

Later,she was electrocuted by the Japanese soldier on her bare body.When she was released from prison,she had a phobia of electricity.After world war 2 (ww2) ended,she was rewarded with some medals from the British.She was also known as a world heroic of world war 2 (ww2) and became famous.What a brave lady she is!